It gives us pleasure to introduce you to our Pest Management Services where we provide wide range of services to Commercial as well as residential Properties. We Have Boasts of expertise in Pest control and hence also have built up extensive knowledge of the lifestyle, habits and vulnerabilities of all types of pests that can affect your business. We have also developed unmatched technical expertise in dealing with them – from exclusion and detection, to capture, identification and elimination. Research and Development has always been a key element of our business, delivering an unmatched range of products and services our staff can call on as the need arises.


Geo Pest Ensure everyone goes home safe at the end of their working day. Our colleagues, our families and our customers rely on this commitment. Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) will always be our first priority and there can be no compromise on this.

>> Container Fumigation.

 >>Pre-shipment Cargo fumigation 

>>Storage/Warehouse Fumigation and
Pest Management.

>> Ship Fumigation(on Board)

>> Aircraft disinfestations >> Disinfestations of
Airports & Ports

>> Rail Coach disinfestations

>> Anti-termite treatments (Pre & Post Construction)

>>Disinfestations of Hotels & Restaurants

>> Disinfestations of Commercial Complexes & Office premises.

>> Disinfestations of Oil Refineries

>> Rodent Control

>> House hold Pest Management-
Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, House Flies, Bed Bugs, Spiders, Lizards, Carpet Beetles, Fleas, Crickets,
Ants, Wasps, Locusts also All Kind of Pest Control Services etc,